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Are you looking for a diet? One that includes more than salads. Many find that the Keto Diet is the best diet for men to lose weight fast.
For those of us who have moved into our 40s and 50s, you may have noticed that losing those few extra pounds isn't as easy as it used to be.
you're not anymore interested in a low-calorie diet than you ever were. Well, have you tried the keto diet? It is a high fat, low carbohydrate diet that helps your body burn fat and lose weight fast.
You will see a dramatic weight reduction because you are no longer eating carbohydrates at the rate you once were.
Read on to learn how to get started with fat-filled satisfying meals that you will love!
Starting the Keto Diet
I am over 50 years of age and I can tell you firsthand of my experience with the keto diet and what I found most useful.
First off, when you’re out of shape and overweight you begin to look for easy ways to lose weight. You want the weight off without running 5 miles every day or lifting weights or going to boot camps. Like what I did in my younger days.
After a knee and shoulder injury, I decided to try the keto diet and I am having amazing results.
This is probably the easiest way to start dropping those unwanted pounds without exerting too much effort.
It comes down to having strong willpower. You just want to get it done, to get the weight off. If you’re like me and strain to tie your shoes, because you have a front porch in the way, this is an easy way.
If you begin to have enough reasons, you will have the willpower to lose weight.
As you get older it is not going to get easier to get yourself out there to exercise. I thought if I could change my eating habits it could only help.
That is really all it took for me. I made up my mind I was going to start the diet.
The keto diet is the best diet for men over 50 that I have found to lose weight fast.
Keto Diet for Beginners
When starting the keto diet it is important to follow the rules and eat only the foods allowed on the diet.
It's also important to be prepared, plan your meals and have your groceries on hand so you have everything you need to keep eating keto-friendly.
Next, having an idea of what to expect as you continue on the diet is critical.
Exercise on the keto diet is something to consider. Knowing which exercises work on the keto diet and when to start is important to keep the weight loss going.
Lastly, tracking progress is important.
Read on to start the keto diet and start losing weight.
Keto Diet Rules
Basics to the keto diet include:
- Carbohydrates are restricted to approximately 20-25 grams/day or about 5% of daily calories.
- Protein, you know, what we all know and love is eaten in moderation and limited to 20% of daily calories.
- Lastly, fats are included in every meal and snacks to keep you satisfied and make up the remainder or about 75% of daily calories.
75% of daily calories from Fat may seem impossible to reach.
Take a peek at my post 8 Must-Have Fats for the Keto Diet to find out which fats are best for the keto diet.
See if they remove the carbs from the food they have to replace it with something and that is the fat. So don’t shy away from adding fats to your meals.
Be Prepared
First, I will tell you, from making this mistake, it's important to have the keto diet foods bought and available and meals planned and ready. It will make all the difference in the world. If you don’t have the meals ready to go you will do like I did and fall off the keto diet and eat the wrong thing.
To get you started we put together a FREE 7-Day Keto Diet Meal Plan and Shopping Guide. Sign up the Fit As A Fiddle Life Tips & Strategy Newsletter and we will send you PDF links to the guides. This will take you through the first week on the diet and give you an introduction to what the diet is like. Click below to get started.
Part of meal planning for the keto diet includes low carbohydrate recipes. Check out these basic keto diet recipes to get you started.
What to Expect on the Keto Diet
After the first week, you will want to make meal planning easy by having meal plans delivered directly to your email. This takes the chore of planning out of the diet and lets you focus on the results which are the weight loss!
Once you start, each day becomes easier, you stop craving foods you used to eat. Many people report that their appetite is greatly reduced, I know mine was.
That’s not to say you are never hungry or never crave carbs, but the fats allowed in the keto diet are very flavorful and help keep you satisfied and those cravings under control.
Those carbs, the ones we are constantly reminded of as we watch TV, really taste good but are not good for you. This is what got me into this trouble in the first place.
In the beginning, it seemed too difficult to lose weight. But that is so far from the truth because I am living proof that if you do it, one day at a time, it can be done.
After about 2 weeks you will begin to see results. It really just a matter of having your meals made and planned out.
To learn more about what to expect during the first few weeks on the keto diet read my post, Keto Diet for Beginners.
Keto Flu
It’s not the end of the world if you go off the diet, but you will lose ground on the scale as your body regains some of the fluid it sheds during the first weeks of the diet.
Plus when you go off the keto diet and restart you may experience some symptoms of the keto flu. These flu-like symptoms happen as your body readapts to burning fat for energy.
Check out symptoms of the keto flu in my post on Ketosis. You can learn more about the keto flu and how to avoid it in my post on Homemade Bone Broth.
I will say in about a 10-week period I was being called skinny at work because I was noticeably losing weight. Once you drop that kind of weight and inches you will understand and feel so much better knowing this can happen.
This is the biggest motivator for me, just knowing I can and will lose weight.
If you're like me when I was much younger it was easy to drop 10 or 15 pounds. But as I get older I don’t have the energy I once had. Do you feel the same way?
Keep Keto Diet Weight Loss Going
Oh, you’re going to want to incorporate light exercise after about 3 weeks, to keep your metabolism humming, burning fat, and losing weight.
You want to start slow in the beginning due to changing the way you eat, you’re going to feel weak. But that all goes away.
Exercise and the Keto Diet
Once you start feeling better you will need to incorporate walking. I suggest early morning, for those of us who say I don’t have time for that!
You need to make time in the morning instead of sleeping an extra hour. Get up! You will be glad you did.
Start off walking for about 15 minutes. Anybody can walk for 15 minutes. Make sure to stretch first. This is a mistake you don’t want to make. Leg cramps are not fun!
Stretch Before you Walk:
- Bend down towards your toes. At first, you won’t be able to touch them, but you will soon enough. Take one foot and put it over the other foot. Bend down, hold for 10 seconds, then switch feet and hold for 10 seconds.
- Spread your legs, stretch to one ankle, hold for 10 seconds, then bend and stretch to the opposite side and hold for about 10 seconds.
For more stretches to add to your workout, check out my post Stretching Exercise to Keep You Flexible.
Now start your walk. In the beginning, time yourself and walk for about 8 minutes. Turn around and walk back. That will be around 15 minutes or so. Do this daily.
Yes, that includes weekends, we need to be serious.
As you start to feel better you’re going to increase your walking and will naturally be walking for longer periods of time. When you are ready, you can add more time to your walking routine to get more benefits.
For example, walk at a normal pace for about 5 minutes, then increase your pace for about 3 minutes to where your breathing starts to increase. Then slow back down but don’t stop walking. The point is to increase your heart rate.
Another way to keep your heart pumping is to put on a pair of earbuds #ad and crank up your favorite tunes.
When your heart rate increases it helps increase metabolism, burn fat, and ultimately will get you losing more weight.
Pretty soon you will be feeling better and with this diet, you will begin to lose pounds.
In fact, the first month when you follow the diet you may lose 10 or more pounds and a few inches around the waistline.
Track Your Progress and Stay Motivated
Oh, a very important part is when starting the keto diet you want to record your weight, measurements and get some selfies so you can track your progress.
You can record these starting points in a daily journal or get the app MyFitnessPal to keep track of your progress.
Get on the scale and jot down how much you weigh. Do this directly out of the shower.
Take measurements of waistline, chest, and legs. Recheck these markers once each week.
This is a powerful way to see improvements. The keto diet is truly empowering!!
February/August 2021 Update: Post updated with new images and general updates.
Remember ~Sign Up for the Fit As A Fiddle Life Keto Diet Tips & Strategy Newsletter and I will send you PDF links to a Free 7-Day Keto Diet Meal Plan Guide and a Grocery List Shopping Guide. See the Pink Box below.
Start today!
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Medical Disclaimer
This site contains general information about diet, health, fitness, and nutrition. This information should not be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or condition. Please consult with your physician before using any dietary supplement or before beginning a diet or exercise program.
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